The nature of deployment of solar photovoltaics for energy generation makes it the most viable source of renewable energy in Singapore as compared to Wind, Geothermal, and Hydro. Unlike the other renewables generated from natural resources, solar can be installed on a smaller scale which makes it easy for individuals to obtain power from the sun.

Are solar panels worth it in Singapore

The short answer is yes. This is because the cost of generating your own solar power is less than buying from the power grid which helps you to save on your utility over the long-term.

In most cases, homeowners in Singapore elect not to install batteries with their solar system and therefore have the excess electricity exported into the grid as majority of the photovoltaic systems are grid-connected.

This process of net-metering provides a great incentive of 24/7 grid connectivity, while allowing you to receive credits for the excess electricity that is sold back to the grid, cancelling most or even all of your power bill.

How does a solar system work in Singapore

Electricity from solar can vary based on factors such as the amount of sunlight, cloud movement and shade. For instance, on a cloudy day, there will be less solar photovoltaic output.

During the design phase of your solar integration, your installer will ascertain that there are no large trees that can cast a shade or drop branches on your panels.  

Solar panels will continue to produce energy for many years as long as they are not physically damaged

There are 2 main forms of concerns of solar system reliability:  

  • Durability of physical solar panels
  • Solar power as a dependable source of energy

Durability of solar panels in Singapore

In a 2015 study done by NREL, researchers determined that the failure rate of solar panels was 0.05% (Source), allowing manufacturers to offer power output warranties of 25 years.

The durability of your solar panel will depend on various factors including where you live, the type of solar panel you install, the inverter chosen, and how the entire system is installed.

Solar panels are more prone to failure in very hot and humid areas, whilst likely to last longer in more temperate dry areas.

However, with increasing focus on renewable energy, industry efforts have been geared to making solar panels more resistant to severe weather damage. Most manufacturers test their panels to confirm that they can withstand high winds and heavy snow loads, and specifically perform tests to ensure that their products can withstand falling hail.

Fortunately, in Singapore, even during the rainy months, we do not experience frequent violent storms or hailstorms. The temperature in Singapore is typically consistent with no extreme temperature fluctuations.

Your solar panel is likely to serve you longer if you invest in solar panels made from high-quality materials.

Additionally, because solar energy systems do not have moving parts, there is no mechanical wear and tear, and therefore require little to no maintenance.

Resilience of solar system

The abundance of sunshine we receive in Singapore makes solar power a highly reliable source of energy with the estimated daily average of irradiation is between 4.32 to 4.44 kWh/m2 (Source).

Since peak energy usage in Singapore, which typically occurs in the afternoons, coincides with the periods when there is greatest output of solar energy, your solar system can reduce peak demand and reliance on the grid.

Improving the reliability of solar panels

The best way to keep your solar panels working long-term is to work with a reputable installer that offers professional workmanship and adequate customer service.

A responsible and professional System Integrator will ensure the following:

  1. The arrangement of solar panels on your property is optimally placed, keeping the system at the right temperature with sufficient airflow.
  2. During installation, handling of panels and electrical connections will also affect the performance of solar panels.
  3. After installation, the operation and maintenance of the solar system will also be taken care of because keeping your solar panel system well maintained can lead to a lower degradation rate each year and lead to longer panel performance.

To ensure that all aspects of your system are well taken care of, it is recommended that you engage a solar integrator that offers its own complete in-house team for the lifecycle of your system, including engineering design, engineering and construction teams, such that when an issue arises, it will be solved without any hassle.

For more information on how to choose a solar system integrator, check out a related article below

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